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Kamis, 13 Agustus 2015

The Techniques of Blackhat CPA Method

CPA or cost per action is called also as pay per click. This program has a role to get the money from internet as the commission agent between the owner and customer. But, this jobs more effective than PPC technique, because this is simple and has high budget. As the CPA agent, there are several actions to advertise or job to invite the customer to visit the product from the owner. Make the visitor come to the product in specific address. Beside that, it is a job that requires no special website, only a website as the media to get the visitor and make them come to the product.

To get this job as the CPA agent, there are some procedures, especially to find the owner who has the job for advertise. These steps are:

Let join in CPA network.
Choose the product for offered.
Follow the rule adjust the budget or the salary for your job.
Make an efforts to handle the visitor to come from your website continue go to the main web (owner).

CPA is the kind of flexible job by internet especially operates in a website or blog as the main media. Beside that, this job also operates in the other internet address, like social media, video marketing, and the other. The main point here is how to get the first number in search engine. From this position, there is big opportunity to find the visitors and come to the main website. Unfortunately, get the best position in search engine is not easy. There are needs the other ways like SEO or search engine optimization as the right strategy.

There is several kind of SEO or search engine optimizations are SEO on page and SEO off page. But, there is specific roles from these ways, is SEO blackhat and SEO white hat. The meaning from SEO blackhat is the bad process to get the first position in search engine. Though this method is bad and dislike by Google as the best search engine, but there are some blogger still and always use this as the easy step to get the best position. Apply this method for CPA program also help full, but you have to know, Google will banned your website. It means your program is broken.

There are needs several techniques to operate the blackhat method in CPA program. As the secret steps to operates this ways, especially to improve the website or CPA program in a website to be the best position in search engine. By some techniques, you can handle these bad steps without banned by Google. So, are you as the younger, be better learn about it before start the blackhat methods, especially in CPA program.

There are some techniques to apply the SEO blackhat well without banned by Google, such as:

Start from link farm in different IP, you can use the Anonymous IP. But do not forget to handle your link, maximum by four links in same IP address.
Use the keyword stuffing, is the use of keyword continuously, like do the manipulation in this Blog.
Use the invisible text to cover up the color of keyword that written continuously in the web background.
Paid link or buy a high link address to improve the position.
Use scraper pages, is the automatic address which handle by a software.

As we know, use and choose the blackhat method is an instant process to get the top position in search engine. As the simply and easy ways to do and has quick result to be the first. But, this method is deceitfulness, so Google dislike it and be banned directly. If you really want to apply this methods, do not forget to learn it well before, because how to operates of CPA back hat methods is complex and needs the secret treatment.

Whereas the CPA is the best way to get the much money, but if you want to apply the blackhat CPA methods, let prepare everything. Because, Google has high system to remove and delete your website form the entry. It means you can not operate your website again. So, the blackhat method is the ways to get the high position, but dislike by Google. Though that, this ways is more effective to apply in CPA program by carefully.

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