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Senin, 20 Juli 2015

How to uncover a profitable market and keywords

To start creating your Google Cash Site the very first thing you will need to do is to choose a market or niche to target and then we will need to find a keyword that can be monetized and most mportantly profit from.
Our Google Cash Site will be based around a single long tailed keyword. By long tailed keyword I mean a phrase that someone would type into the Google search engine that contains at least 3 or more words and no less.
The main reason our site is going to rank on the 1st page of Google for that search term is because our well written website will be laser targeted around that keyword.
And remember with the coming methods you will know exactly how many people are searching for that exact keyword.

How to Uncover a Profitable Market/Niche you can monetize.
There are a number of ways to find a profitable Market or Niche that is easy to monetize.
The best way to do this is to put yourself in the shoes of the potential searcher. For example: When you want to buy a TV or Computer you would probably go to your local store but if you were searching for a way to fix a sexual issue or a personal issue most people would be too shy to go to their local store and ask for a solution so they then turn to the internet to search for an answer to their problem. These markets are going to be the best ones to try and target. One tried and tested method to find a good market is to look on sites like yahoo answers and both of these plus many others are great sources to find markets to target. Just look at the common questions that people are asking and list some of these down, this will show you what people are searching for online and most importantly what they are obviously having trouble finding the answers or solutions they require.
Sometimes the best way is to target a market or niche that interests you or you have experience in.
Some good Niches I have targeted that have been profitable for me are:
  • Cell Spying
  • Reverse number look up
  • Gaming
  • Dating
  • Relationships
  • Weight Loss
  • Wedding planning
  • Sexual issues
  • Personal Development
These are just a handful of niches that I have used in the past to help get your brain ticking over. Try to think outside the box and really get yourself lost in the shoes of others as there are thousands and thousands of different Niche’s you can target.

How to Find a Product to Promote
After you establish what niche you wish to target you will need to be sure there are products in that niche that you can promote.
Most people will tell you to go straight to Clickbank and although Clickbank is great I find with everyone using this service the potential keywords have been all but used. I will use Clickbank though if I can’t find a product to promote anywhere else only after I have exhausted the other options below.
I prefer to use a few different places to search for products. If you type affiliate programs into the Google search bar you will notice there are a heap of different market places for you to choose from. I personally have tried quite a number of different affiliate networks but the main two that I use are called Avangate and Plimus, you can get to Plimus by going to and to get to Avangate go to There are others I use like , for physical products and as well as but never forget the good old
All of the above programs are free to join and I will show you how to do this in video 1. Most just require you to fill in a simple registration form to get started. I will also show you how to choose a good product that converts well. If you choose a product that has a low conversion rate you once again will waste a lot of time and effort creating a site that may rank in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd position on Google and get a lot of targeted visitors but in the end you will get zero sales.
Rule of thumb – After you check out the products sales page make sure if you were looking for a similar product, would you buy it? If after checking it out and you personally feel you wouldn’t buy it then don’t promote it. Remember by no means do you have to stick to the affiliate networks I have
suggested, it’s just these one’s have performed best for me. Now that you have your market and product to promote selected let’s get onto the next step.
In the next step I really want you to focus and maybe even read over this section twice and watch my live demonstration video a few times as it’s one of the most important parts of the whole process.
Once you have found a product that you think will work in your market start to think about the keywords that people would type into Google to find solutions that fit alongside these products.
Visit the products sales page and the products main website for idea’s. I sometimes go to the products frequently asked questions section if they have one as this will give you a quick guide into what people have been asking in the past.
Once again all of this will be much clearer in the first video.
Ok so now let’s get onto the next part of the Google Cash Explosion process. How to decide on the Type of Keyword you should Target. There are essentially 2 types of keywords I would use, one is based around helping people find a solution to a problem like “How to impress women”, “How to train your puppy dog”, “How to lose weight off my thighs”, Why can’t I get a date” and “Where can I get a good wedding speech”. So for this method it’s the How, Why and Where phrases. These keywords would usually mean you will be creating a story website with a product suggestion to solve their problem or to offer a solution. Here’s an example of a site based around this type of keyword:
The other type of keyword to target is the product led type which is my personal favorite. This is simple the keywords you would normally target are phrases such as “product name”, “product name review”, “product name reviews”, “product name pro”, “product name login”,“product name  freebie”, “product name free download”, “buy product name”, “get product name”, “product name download” and “product name torrent”. Of course there are more to choose from but they are the ones I use most often. 
Most people will say that targeting a keyword with free or free download in it will not attract a buyer but I find that to be the complete opposite. If the content is written well and you offer a real solution in your content, make sure you actually help people with their issue and in the end they will buy from you as you have built a great deal of trust plus they have obviously been searching for a while.
Just state in your content that a free download is not available from a trusted site but there is a solution you can obtain this “product name” for the very cheapest price that you could find. This comes well after you have tried to solve their problem or issue and really sound concerned with
finding them a solution. 
If you do this correctly you will find that the sales will start to pour in. To explain this in detail I will be given you a real life example of a site where I do exactly this in the 2nd video. 
Here’s an example of a site based around the product led type of keyword:

If you are trying to target a physical product then try to be very specific, instead of targeting a keyword like “iPhone 5” which would be impossible to rank for, target a keyword that is way more specific like “buy a cheap Unlocked Apple iPhone 5”. 
Here’s an example of a physical product based keyword site:
Another great way to find a keyword to target is to find a new product that is launching and select one of the product led keywords on the product that is about to launch.
For example, if the product that is going to launch is called “Mobile App Magic” then you would target a keyword like “Mobile App Magic”, “Mobile App Magic Review”, “Mobile App Magic Download”, “About Mobile App Magic”, “Mobile App Magic Bonus” or “Mobile App Magic Free Download”.
There are others that you can target and the main reason is that there will be nobody before the launch looking for this particular product, mainly because nobody knows about it.
Once the product launches you will find with all the interest around that product there will be heaps of people wanting to read a review or get more information about the product before they buy it.
So if you are going down this angle there is no keyword research required at all. You will need to be quick to get the domain name that you require which is once again the same as your main keyword.
How to find up and coming product launches is the hardest part in this process. You can do some research in a few different ways like your local newspaper, popular magazines, TV reports or the best way to find a new launch is to go to a website called JV Notify Pro. The site address is 
On JV Notify Pro you can go through a list of products that are being launched in the future. They give you sales information, review information and a ton of affiliate sales information as well.
I will put an extra video in the member area to show you how to choose a great JV launch product. To promote these products just use the process that will be covered in chapter three and write a full product review on the new product. 
This type of Google cash site can be extremely profitable and it’s definitely worth looking into.
In my example of creating a Google Cash site I will show you how to find a basic long tailed keyword.
I had planned to build this Google Cash site anyway so you can all now see live exactly how I do this. The entire process is the same except I will be focusing on the full review style of site.
I do hope that you have understood what I mean in this section as it’s one of the most important sections of the Google Cash Explosion Method. You may need to read over this a couple of times and watch the live training video to get a good grasp on this whole chapter.
The Google Cash Explosion Keyword Search Volume Rule
Once you understand what type of keyword you may try to target the first thing to do is to write a bunch of these long tailed keywords down on a notepad or word document.
The next thing we will do is to go to the Google keyword Planner. You can find this by typing in planner. The reason I use this tool is because we are trying to impress Google for our rankings so why not use their tool that shows the exact amount of times a
person has searched for that exact phrase or keyword.
Once you are in the Google keyword Planner you are going to place each keyword or phrase that you have written down into the search bar which you get to by clicking on the tab that say search for new keyword and ad group ideas at the top of the keyword Planner. Enter your keyword in here and then Click on the get ideas button and see the results that are given.
(Remember to select keyword ideas once the search start because we are not interested in the group ideas default section)
Rule 1 – When selecting the keyword you want to target it must be getting at least 700+ searches per month or more and make sure that the trends on the right of the results are not declining to rapidly. Once again I will show you live how to do this in the 2nd video. (Note: You can target keywords with less than 700 searches per month but this will dramatically decrease the potential earnings from your site.)
Finding a keyword that meets the criteria is very important so keep trying till you get one, you can also go through each of the results that Google keyword tool lists to see if one will fit the criteria.
Next you will need to check another important rule before you can be sure that this search phrase meets the Google Cash Explosion criteria.
The competitive analysis rule
So you have hopefully by now found some keywords that fit into the above criteria, if so we need to now check the second rule in our Google Cash Explosion check list.
The second rule is to analyze the competition for that particular keyword. To do this we need to head over to Google and type in the keyword we have just found, once you do this you will notice the number of pages that are ranking for that keyword. This can be seen just below the search box. See
the screenshot below for an example:

Rule 2 – When you type in the keyword and see the number of competing page usually I won’t bother consider targeting this keyword if the overall competition is greater than 1,500,000. Don’t ask me why it’s just what has worked for me, the less the number of competing pages the better.
Next we need to add the phrase marks around the keyword and once again check the number of competing pages. If the number of pages competing pages is less than 23,000 I will then consider targeting this keyword for my Google Cash Site.
The final part of this competitive analysis is to remove the phrase marks from the keyword and look in detail at the top 10 results. What I am trying to do is to avoid targeting a keyword that has large authority sites in the top 10 results as it is going to be very unlikely that I will be able to out rank
Here’s some Authority sites that I will avoid competing against: Wikipedia, wiki answers, wiki how and ehow. The basic meaning of an authority site is a website that is a large brand name site which is usually made up of multiple pages and multiple articles some will even cover 100’s of different
topics within that niche.
What I always do is avoid site’s that have a PR of 4 or higher this is a pretty clear cut method of analyzing the competition as an authority site (PR meaning Page Rank).
To see the PR of a site you will need to install a free tool called SemRush and within semrush at the bottom of the site you will need to use their tool that’s called SEO Quake, what SEO Quake will do is display some very useful information under each of the results when you search in Google. The
feature that will be most interested in for now is the competing site’s Page Rank or PR number. 
You can get SemRush at Once you are in semrush, head to the very bottom of the site and you will see the software called SEO Quake, install this software and it will create a Mozilla Firefox Add on so you can then see the results straight from the Google search engine. Take a look at the screenshot below for an example of what the results look like with SEO Quake installed:

How to find these keywords
Just to recap everything you will need to do in article
1. Find a niche or Market you can monetize – remember the rule to target markets that will and do attract desperate hungry buyers with a real desire to learn something, answer a question or fix a problem. 
After you get this in your mind list down the topics that you understand or have experience in.
2. Find a product to promote that is selling well or has a high conversion rate – remember to put yourself in your potential customers shoes and if you feel you would buy it then it’s probably
worth promoting
3. List 5 – 10 long tailed keywords that relate to the product or niche, plug then into the Google keyword tool and then stick to the following rules.
  • 700 searches per month for that keyword
  • Page competition without phrase marks is 1,500,000 or less – remember less is better.
  • Page competition with phrase marks is 23,000 or less – remember less is better
  • Remove the phrase marks, search again and check the top 10 results are not authority sites with a PR of 4 or higher (therefore you want to be competing with sites that have a PR of 3 or less (once again less is better)
I know that it may seem like I have given a lot of mind drilling detail in this section but it’s probably the most important process of the entire Google Cash Explosion System. If you don’t get this right your Google Cash Site will be likely to fail. So follow these steps and rules in order to guarantee your
site will be successful and create a great residual income that will grow on autopilot month after month.


