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Rabu, 16 September 2015

How to choose products exactly on ClickBank for affiliate marketing

This writing introduces an effective tool for evaluating and surveying products on ClickBank. I usually use this tool day by day for searching new products and new market.
When naming ClickBank, you surely think that it is a big electric market. Products on ClickBank are numberic products. Thus, it will has a life per product. The life of product will be divided into 3 different periods. At the starting period, few of people know about the product. There are many marketers, the product will be more popular. Then the second period is the time when the product is very popular and gets the biggest revenue period. It is the period which determines the product will be successful or not successful. The final period is older of the product. People pay attention on it less because it is old and not hot. There are so many people know the product and share to each other. Therefore, a number of customer who buy that product will be reduced clearly.
So, if you participate in ClickBank with marketer’s situation. You should understand which period that product is at.  If the product is only at the starting period. Under that problem to be hided with high risk. Because that is not well known by people or there are so many products which are more popular and get the top on market before that product. For example, if you are advised marking on health, losing weight field is a potential market when taking part in advertising. It also means there are many type of products which are for health and losing weight. One day, a vendor appears and be carried out on ClickBank with products which guide losing weight. It is not exactly a good sign. Because there are so many types of losing weight medecine on market. New products will be risk and defeat easier.
If you tend to marketing new products, you need to hold information of market. It will reduce risk when marketing them. Then you must get information of top product which is competing with new product.
In my view, we should not run followly new product way because of risk from them. In case, you get the good market before advertising them, you can do well.For instance, you had a health website, you should also writing a introduction of new products on ClickBank of health. You can check custommer's recomments who assess into your website.You will see a number of product view and a number of people who bye them. I will find a product which is at the second/ between for marketing. I am seemly slower than other marketers. Of course I am less of risk. The second period of products has be populated highly, you can choos number of Gravity.
However it is only one part of the whole information. Thus, you should use website:  This is a website believely and trustly which are very essential for all marketers.
Before I know about this website, I always follow numbers on products from ClickBank. However, is is not enough.
This is the website

Let’s come in the website to see the interface above.

On the left to be information from top vendor on ClickBank. Moreover, there is a list of ClickBank products following which standing step by step. At the centre of website will introduce about this page. With this website, there are two types of accounts. It is a free account with few of conjunction and Pro – Account with more conjunctions.  If you rise up Pro – level, you have to pay 27 $. This account only need to rise up only time for the whole lifetime. If you invest to rise up into Pro – Account, you will get more informations of products on ClickBank.
On the right of website to be a tool which searching ClickBank products. You will be easy to find out  list of products which are hot on market and some informations of product number.

On the picture to be a ClichBank product of top 1 which is at health menu under diet and losing weight.
After finding top products, you should choose detailly some informations of products. You will know clearly about refunding rate if you sign up to become a Pro – Account. is a trust page when you want to learn about products on ClickBank.
I will never choose products on ClickBank at the final period of product’s lifetime. Because with this period we have to face higher risk than choosing product which are at the starting period of product’s lifetime. To find out which product is at final period, I use Graph for following. If Graph go down at lowest level, that product is at final period.



