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Selasa, 20 Oktober 2015

Download ebook " CPA Income Boss " FREE

Now in this section we will go over what is required of you in order to profit with this super simple system I have set in place for us.
You must sign up for an AdPad advertising account since we will be advertising CPA Offers on AdPad.
Since this is paid traffic you will need to a have an advertising budget to start with, but as mentioned before AdPad accepts PayPal payments as low as $1. I do recommend starting out with at least $5+ to do some testing with different CPA Offers. (Recommended amount is $30)

If you have to start small that's fine. The key is to continue to test different offers until you find winning campaigns, a winning campaign is any campaign that is giving you positive ROI.
As long as you’re getting back more than your putting in that is a winning campaign and when we find them we want to ramp up our efforts on them to achieve higher and higher ROI.
Once you have those 3 simple steps in place you are ready to profit with this great money sucking system.



