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Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

How To Use PPC To Promote Clickbank Products Step By Step

The affiliate products can be promoted very effectively if the online marketing options like PPC or Pay Per Click are used correctly. Many people use various other marketing options like article marketing, blogging or good tactics of SEO, instead of PPC, while promoting the products of Clickbank. But most people who want to make lots of money by promoting affiliate products of Clickbank normally use Pay Per Click or PPC for this purpose. Some tips about how to use PPC to promote clickbank products successfully are briefly discussed in this write-up to make the things easy for you.

Choose right Clickbank products to promote

In order to make good money from Clickbank products you should choose right affiliated products which are highly convertible and pay you high commission. The minimum gravity score of the products you choose for this purpose should not be less than 20. You should not choose new products coming recently in the market for this purpose as you do not know about their conversion rate as their gravity starts from zero. You can lose lots of money if these new products did not convert as per your expectations.

Moreover you should not worry about the competition in the market as it cannot obstruct your path to be successful in converting your products, if they are rightly selected. You only have to work harder and smarter than you competitors to win the race successfully.

You can start with less competitive products while starting promoting Clickbank products for the first time if the gravity score of such products vary between 20 and 50.

Create and use original keywords

Instead of using Big phrases as keyword you should use original keywords while promoting Clickbank products successfully with PPC to avoid much competition online. In fact main problem of completion is not with the products but with the keywords used for promoting them. For instance, if you use Weight loss as keyword in PPC ads for promoting products in this niche then you can lose lots of your commission as this keyword is used by a number of your competitors. Instead of using Weight Loss you can use Fat Loss by certain exercise or name of certain device for Weight Loss as keyword to maintain your originality.

For this purpose you should find keyword phrases so that you can easily get highly placed PPC ads at the low rate of not more than $0.25 cents per click. If the niche of the products you are promoting with PPC isles competitive then you can increase your profits by selecting lots of keyword phrases to use for this purpose. But it can be difficult to find unique keyword phrases if the niche of your products is highly competitive. You only have to observe the products in a different manner so that you can try to make original keywords for them while promoting them with PPC. The keyword you choose should not be used by many competitors but should be used by many people searching online.

PPC campaign should be tracked 

Most people who start promoting affiliate products with PPC for the first time usually lose lots of their money instead of making through it. Initially most of the today’s successful people have lost lots of their money while using PPC for promoting their products. It is a normal trend.

Usually most people give up promoting affiliated products if they lose money with PPC and always remain unsuccessful in this field. On the other hand, those who do not give up changing their landing pages and ads and go on changing them until they get success in increasing their conversion rate usually become successful in making lots of money. They start making money very soon by making some changes in their keywords and landing pages to improve their click through and conversion rate even if they have lost lots of money in the very beginning. They automatically start making lots of money if they continue to remain in this race and go on modifying their marketing strategies by tracking their campaign carefully. You can easily track the performance of your keyword in your PPC promotion campaign by using just one keyword for a group of products.

Use different networks for PPC ads

Initially you can use networks like Google AdWords when you start using Pay Per Click for promoting affiliate products of Clickbank. At this stage, instead of Google, you need not use any other network or content to promote your products. In fact Google can help you to track the click through rate and conversion rate easily. You can expand your marketing campaign to other networks when it starts converting well with Google.

You can start similar PPC campaigns with other social networks like FaceBook, Twitter etc. as soon as you start promoting your affiliate products profitably at one network. You can also try on promoting you promoting your products through content networks after setting up your PPC campaign on social networks. But you should be successful on the other networks before moving to content networks as they may not be equally profitable for you due to their low conversion rate. The surfers usually search on content networks less than social networks.

Hence while promoting Clickbank products through PPC or Pay Per Click it is important to choose highly convertible products to earn higher commissions. Then you should try to review the product from different angles so that you can create original keywords for them which are not used by most of the marketers but attracts visitors enormously. Now to make your PPC campaign successful you will have to track their performance and go on changing them until they start give results as per your expectations. Initially you can use platforms like Google AdWords to launch your PPC campaign for Clickbank products but you can expand to other networks as you start earning profitably from your initial network.

Thus by following the tips provided in this write-up you can easily use PPC to promote Clickbank products for making lots of money through it.



