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Jumat, 15 April 2016

The One Type Of Blog Network You Must Avoid

There is one type of blog network you should avoid at all costs and that is public blog networks. Especially public 'private' blog networks that you tend to find advertised in forums like BlackHatWorld.

Let me be clear here, the second you start selling posts on your private blog network it is no longer a private blog network.

It is a regular occurrence to hear news of yet another 'private' blog network getting completely deindexed then you have everyone running around saying 'private' blog networks are dead.
But those networks are not truly private networks and Google actively invest their time & effort into infiltrating these networks and deindexing them.

It has happened countless times starting with AuthorityLinkNetwork (ALN) & Build My Rank (BMR) in 2012 and still happens to this day (Anglo Rank).

Public 'private' blog networks are a false economy. Sure they work in the here and now, but that success is built on a foundation of failure.

Here are some of the other drawbacks of public networks-

1. The sites are usually poor in design
2. They use junky unreadable spun content
3. They sell hundreds of posts per month per site
4. The domains themselves usually have a spammy backlink profile
5. You have zero control

The last point being the most important of all - not having control is a risk and it is critical to manage risk throughout all of your SEO efforts.
You are much better off investing your time & money into business assets that you control.



