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Kamis, 14 April 2016

What Is A Private Blog Network?

A private blog network is simply a collection of authoritative domains & websites that you own. You can then use them to rank whatever site(s) you want.

Basically you are buying a domain that has expired but still has authority, then building a site on it with a link back to your own website(s). It's a very simple approach, but it is a powerful one.
It takes a bit of time to set up but private blog networks should be considered serious long term business assets. Over the next few topics I'm going to show you how powerful they really are.
Building the first site in your network might seem daunting at first, but once you have done it a few times it becomes a very quick & efficient process.

It is also important that you do not get private blog network confused with public blog network. You can find many services offering to sell posts on their private blog networks, but the very nature of selling posts makes it a public blog network.
We are purely focused on building a private blog network that is exclusive to us & under our full control.

A Closer Look At The Private Blog Network Process 
To make things easier to understand, I'm going to briefly break down each step of building a single site in your private blog network.
Don't worry if you get lost at this point, the following lessons & topics will teach you everything you need to know!

1. Buy An Expired Domain With Authority 

The very start of the process is finding an expired domain that still has authority. Ideally we want this domain to be relevant to our niche or at least of general relevancy.
For example would only be relevant to the dating niche, but we could get away with using www./ive/ove/augh.comfor niches like dating, travel, lifestyle, humour etc.
Prices for domains vary but I'm going to show you a ton of different methods to find the best domains at the best prices.

2. Setup Web Hosting 

Once you have the domain you need to set it up with some web hosting. I will cover the specifics of hosting in more detail later in the course.
For now just understand we have registered an expired domain (much like registering a new domain) and then set up hosting.

3. Build The Site 

The final step is to build out a site on our newly hosted highly authoritative domain.
This is as simple as installing WordPress, adding some content, adding some plugins and inserting links to the sites you are trying to rank of course.


That is really all there is to it, once you have done that you now have the first site in your private blog network.
Obviously there is a bit more to it than that along with some best practices & guidelines to follow, but in a nutshell it is as easy as 1,2,3!
I'm going to guide you through every single step over my shoulder so don't worry about that!



